Bonus Sale Regulations

"Loyalty Program"

§1. General

1. These Regulations define the conditions of participation and the rules of the Loyalty Program.

2. The organizer of the Loyalty Program is Ireneusz Ścieszka running a business under the name: "Hanami Professional Ireneusz Ścieszka".

3. The Loyalty Program is addressed only to natural persons who meet certain conditions specified in §4 of these Regulations.

4. Capitalized terms are defined in §2. of these Regulations.

§2. Definitions

The following terms used in the Regulations have the meaning defined below:

Organizer - Ireneusz Ścieszka running a business under the name: "Hanami Professional Ireneusz Ścieszka", Al. Jana Pawła II 66, 47-232 Kędzierzyn Koźle NIP: PL 6482099737 entered in the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity, kept by the minister responsible for economy (, tel: + 48 798 224 170;

Loyalty Program - a loyalty program regulated in these Regulations;

Points - points awarded to the Participant in accordance with the rules described in these Regulations;

Regulations - these Regulations of the Bonus Sales "Loyalty Program";

Award - a product offered by the Organizer on the website, available to Participants in return for Points;

Transaction - a transaction consisting in making a payment for goods or services offered by the Organizer purchased through the Organizer's online store;

Participant - a person who met the conditions described in §4 of these Regulations.

§ 3. Duration of the Loyalty Program

1. The Loyalty Program is valid indefinitely throughout the world.

2. The Organizer may terminate the Loyalty Program by providing information about its completion on the website at least one month in advance. Completion of the Bonus Sale does not limit the rights acquired by the Participant.

3. Questions about the availability of the Loyalty Program can also be made using the means of communication indicated on the website or in these Regulations.

§4 . Conditions for participation in the Loyalty Program

1. The participant is an adult natural person acting as a consumer within the meaning of art. 221 of the Act of 23 April 1964 - Civil Code, meeting all of the following conditions:

a) registered to the dedicated website of the Loyalty Program,

b) consented to the processing of her personal data for marketing purposes by the Organizer and did not withdraw this consent,

c) the possibility of making Transactions was not blocked by the Organizer on the basis of §5. paragraph 10 of these Regulations.

2. The Loyalty Program Participant participates in it personally and his rights are not transferable.

3. Participation in the Loyalty Program does not impose any additional obligations on the Participant, in particular it does not oblige him to purchase or exchange Points for Prizes, or to perform any other additional activities.

§5. Rules for collecting and redeeming points for Rewards

1. The Loyalty Program Participant will receive 1 Point for each PLN 0.01 spent under the Transaction.

2. Points collected by the Participant are valid for an indefinite period of time from the moment of calculation, during which they can be exchanged for a Reward.

3. The condition for redeeming Points for a Reward is having a sufficient number of Points. The number of Points required to be exchanged for individual Awards is indicated on the website

4. In order to exchange Points for the Prize, the Participant should place an appropriate order on the dedicated website

5. Placing an order requires prior registration by creating your ID (login) and password to access the dedicated website of the Loyalty Program at

6. The registration allows the Participant to log in to the dedicated website of the Loyalty Program later using his / her login and password in order to check the number of Points accumulated and to order the Prize.

7. Points and the rights associated with them may not be transferred or disposed of in any way, and may not be the subject of any other action, except as provided in these Regulations.

8. Points cannot be exchanged for a cash equivalent.

9. The Organizer has the right to collect the Points awarded to the Participant and not yet listed for the Prizes in the following cases:

a) The Participant will refund the purchase - Points may then be withdrawn from the Participant by the Organizer in the scope of this return;

b) There will be a reduction in the price of the purchased goods or service - Points may then be withdrawn from the Participant by the Organizer to the extent resulting from this reduction;

c) The Participant withdraws from the agreement on the basis of which the Participant has purchased the goods or service, or terminates or terminates it, or the agreement turns out to be invalid - Points may then be withdrawn from the Participant by the Organizer in the scope of the purchase covered by this agreement;

d) Points have been accrued to the Participant as a result of an incorrect booking of the Transaction - Points may then be withdrawn from the Participant by the Organizer with regard to this incorrect calculation.

10. In the event that the Participant is blocked by the Organizer from making Transactions for the Participant's behavior that is contrary to the law, decency, local customs or the provisions of these Regulations, the Organizer has the right to block Points, i.e. the Participant will not be able to receive a Prize until the possibility of making Transactions is unlocked.

§6. Personal data protection

1. The administrator of the Participant's personal data is the Organizer.

2. The Administrator processes the Participant's personal data in accordance with the provisions of the Act of May 10, 2018 on the protection of personal data and the provisions of the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of electronic services (i.e. of June 9, 2017, Journal of Laws of 2017, item 1219), as well as in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council / EU / 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC / Dz. UE.L No. 119, p.1.

3. The Participant's personal data is processed by the Organizer for the purpose and scope necessary to conduct the Bonus Sale.

4. Providing personal data is voluntary, but necessary to participate in the Bonus Sale.

5. The participant has the right to access their personal data and correct them, and has the right to submit a written request to stop processing the data and to object to the processing of his data in cases specified by law.

6 . Any doubts and inquiries of the Participants regarding the issue of receiving the Prize, providing their personal data and granting consent for their processing may be reported to the following e-mail address:

§7. Complaints

1. Complaints regarding the Loyalty Program should be reported to the Organizer in writing to the following address: Al. Jana Pawła II 66, 47-232 Kędzierzyn Koźle, by e-mail to the following e-mail address: or by phone: + 48 696-555-306, available from Monday to Friday from 8.00 until 4pm (the cost of the call is according to the operator's rate).

2. The complaint should include the complainant's name and surname, correspondence address, as well as the description and reasons for the complaint.

3. Consideration and response to complaints by the Organizer takes place immediately, not later than within 30 days from the date of receipt of the complaint. To meet the deadline, it is enough to send a reply before its expiry. In particularly complex cases, preventing the complaint consideration and reply within the above-mentioned period, the Organizer in the information provided to the complainant explains the reason for the delay, indicates the circumstances requiring consideration of the case and specifies the expected time for considering the complaint and responding, which may not exceed 60 days from the date of receipt. complaints.

4. The claimant will be informed about the result of the complaint by a letter to the address provided by the claimant or by e-mail to the e-mail address, if the claimant made such a request.

5. The Claimant has the right to pursue claims in court.

§8. Communication

Inquiries for clarifying doubts regarding the Loyalty Program can be directed to the Organizer by calling: + 48 696-555-306, available on ah from Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 16.00 (the cost of the call is according to the operator's rate).

§9. Final Provisions

1. In matters not covered by the Regulations, the provisions of generally applicable Polish law shall apply.

2. The court competent for resolving disputes related to the implementation of the Regulations may be established by the plaintiff on the basis of the provisions of the Act of 17 November 1964, Code of Civil Procedure

3. The regulations come into force on March 9, 2021.

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